Mr. John White's Land in St. Paul's Parish - Purple Community

The fourth and final track of land that Mr. John White owned within St. Paul's Parish was obtained some time between 1719 and 1731. Based upon the 1735 St. Paul's processional records, Mr. White sold this land some time between 1732 and 1735. Although this tract of land was not held for a long period of time by Mr. White or passed on to his heirs, it is still of interest to know where he owned land. Once again, there is no evidence of how Mr. John White came into possession of this land or how he sold it. Consequently, there is no known land description. To determine the general location of Mr. John White's fourth piece of property, it is necessary to analyze the lands of the other property owners mentioned in the 1731/32 Precinct 6 procession record including: Mr. John Bowls, Richard Winn, John Johnson, John Sutton, Stephen Sunter, Widow Wade, Widow Casey, Philip Reynolds, John Glenn, and Anthony Winston's orphans For the purposes of this researc...