The Anderson Goldmine Creek Property

The Anderson Land Patent for Goldmine The Andersons are one of those prolific families of which you'll find connections to in just about every other family in early Hanover County. They also owned land all over Hanover County, within both St. Paul's and St. Martin's Parishes. One particular location in which they lived, and are probably most known for, is the Anderson plantation located at Goldmine Creek. In fact, back in 1913 Edward Lowell Anderson published a book entitled The Andersons of Gold Mine, Hanover County, Virginia. Interestingly, Edward Lowell Anderson stated in his book that he was unable to find the origin of the land. But an expanded inspection of one particular Anderson land patent gives the location away. The land for the Goldmine plantation appears to have been issued in a 1723 land patent of 400 acres granted to Robert Anderson of Hanover County and Charles Anderson of King William County for the sum of 40 shillings, The patent can be viewed on the Li...