The Two Wives of John White of Early King William County, Virginia: Part 2

Three years after Elizabeth White became of age and acknowledged her right in the previously discussed deed , John White had a new wife named Mary. On January 21, 1705, both Joseph Brown ( also of the 1702 deed involving Elizabeth ) and Thomas Ellet signed deeds of gift to the couple. These two deeds of gift provide us with information about all the parties relationships to one another. The first deed of trust was issued by Thomas Ellet who gave John and Mary White 150 acres of land plus five head of cattle. Ellet refers to the five cattle as, "... called by the name of daughter Mary's cattell...". Ellet also refers to John White as "... my well beloved son in law...". Ellet's deed of gift tells us that by January 21, 1705: 1. John White was no longer married to Elizabeth, but to Mary 2. Thomas Ellet, was "of" King William County, the father of Mary, and father-in-law to John White 3. John and Mary White were gifted ...