Setting the Stage for Mr. John White

1701 Map of Virginia Counties (Adventurers of Purse and Person, Virginia, 1607-1624)
New Kent County - St. Peter’s and St. Paul’s Parishes
To establish a base for the analysis of John White in St. Paul’s Parish, it was first necessary to review the records of St. Peter’s Parish and New Kent County.  In 1704, St. Peter’s Parish was divided creating St. Paul’s Parish in the western lands.  Both parishes comprised the western portion of New Kent County until 1720 when Hanover County was formed[1].  There are a few records from this time period when both parishes were part of New Kent County that help provide a base for understanding Mr. John White of early St. Paul’s Parish.  The records that have survived are listed below, in chronological order:

March 8, 1675
Minutes of Council and General Court of Virginia[2]
“Upon petition of Thomas Hancock it is ordered that he secure soe much of the estate of Jno White as is in his possession till next county court held at New Kent, who are dispose of ye same according to law”
June 17, 1675
Minutes of Council and General Court of Virginia
(continuation of above case involving John White's estate)
Spencer  v. Corker  “The sute between Capt. Robert Spencer as marrying the daughter of Capt. John White & Capt. Wm Corker is dismisst”
White v. Corker  “It is ordered that Wm Corker forthwith deliver to Jno White a feather bed and furniture according to the will of Capt. White Decd”
July 29, 1695
The Vestry Book of St. Paul’s Parish[3] pages 1-2 (a 1705 entry reference referring to a 1695 court order of New Kent County to continue to have this work completed)
“…Appointing Mr. John _____ of the highways dated July 29, 1695.  The sd Mr. John White [torn} himself to the vestry of St. Paul’s psh in the manner and form [torn] The bounds of the precincts which Mr. John White was appoint[torn] of as followeth.  Beginning at the mouth of Elder Swamp running up it to the [torn] to the branch of Mattedicun called Little Creek, down that to the fork, [torn] Lancaster formerly dwelt, then up that creek, to Polegreen’s quarter [torn] of Beaver dam swamp, then down that, & the main swamp, to the [torn] Elder Swamp, where it began.”
May 30, 1697
The Parish Register of St. Peter’s Parish[4] page 42
John, son of John White baptized
July 4, 1702
Bockstruck, Lloyd DeWitt. Virginia's Colonial Soldiers[5]
John White listed on militia list for New Kent County
1704 Quit Rent Virginia Rolls[6]
John White 320 acres New Kent County
John White 190 acres New Kent County
Library of Virginia Online catalog of Virginia Land Patents[7]
211 acres in New Kent County and St. Paul’s Parish
East side of Beaverdam Creek between Brandy Branch and Chickahominy Swamp

Table 1 List of Records for John White in New Kent County (St. Peter’s and St. Paul’s Parishes) between 1675 to 1705
Unfortunately, these New Kent County records do not paint a picture that is easily viewed and interpreted.  What they do present is the possibility of multiple John Whites living in early New Kent County.  It should be noted that the first two entries may refer to the White family of King William County, as in 1675, New Kent County was part of James City Parish and included the area north of the Pamunkey River that became King and Queen County in 1691 (which was later divided in 1702 to form King William County).  The five New Kent County records between 1695 and 1705 are more specific for this analysis as New Kent County and St. Peter’s Parish included that area which became St. Paul’s Parish.

The next blog entry, Mr. John White Records 1695 to 1705 will begin to analyze the importance of these records.

copyright@2018 Deborah Thurman Parks

[1] Mason, G. (1945). The Colonial Churches of New Kent and Hanover Counties, Virginia. The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, 53(4), 243-264. Retrieved from
[2] Minutes of the Council and General court of colonial Virginia, 1622-1632, 1670-1676: with notes and excerpts from original Council and General Court records, into 1683, now lost. Richmond, Va.: [The Colonial Press, The Everett Waddy Co.].
[3] St. Paul's parish, H. co. (1940). The vestry book of St. Paul's parish, Hanover County, Virginia, 1706-1786. Richmond: Division of purchase and printing
[4] St. Peter's Parish (New Kent County, V. (1937). The Vestry Book and Register of St. Peter's Parish, New Kent and James City counties, Virginia, 1684-1786. Richmond: Division of purchase and printing.
[5]Bockstruck, L. DeWitt. (1988). Virginia's Colonial soldiers. Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co..
[6] James Mosse. (1923). Virginia Quit Rent Rolls, 1704. The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, 31(3), 215-231. Retrieved from
[7] Virginia Land Office Patents and Grants/Northern Neck Grants and Surveys retrieved from

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