Mr. John White's Land in St. Paul's Parish (Yellow Community) - Neighbors James Garrett and Thomas Hooper

Since we now know the Green Community was located along the Chickahominy River loosely bounded by Beaverdam and Powhite Creeks, we should be able to find the general location of the Yellow Community. If we look at the below table which shows the St. Paul's Parish procession precinct information for Mr. John White's lands, we can see from the precinct numbering pattern from 1711 to 1719, that the Green and Yellow Communities were adjacent or very near to one another. And since there is no known record for how Mr. John White obtained land in the Green Community or a description of the land, the key to narrowing in on a more specific location is the available property information for the other landowners listed in the precinct processions. Neighboring Land Owners As mentioned in a previous entry , the early neighboring land owners for Mr. John White's property in the Yellow Community were T hurmond/Thurman, Jerrard/Garrett, Trotman, Woody, Howard, M...