Mr. John White's Land - Blue Community

Between 1715 and 1719, Mr. John White obtained another tract of land in St. Paul's Parish, Hanover County. As with the Yellow and Green Communities, the precinct numbering for this property changed over time. In order to follow this particular piece of land in the St. Paul's Parish processioning record, it has been color coded in the Blue Community. Mr. John White's Lands in St. Paul's Parish Procession Record W here was Mr. John White's land in the Blue Community located? Once again, this is a really difficult question to answer as there is no record of how Mr. John White obtained this land. The location of this property can be best determined by researching the lands of the large number of surrounding property owners which included: John Shelton, Edward and Richard Bullock, John Philips, William, Henry, and John Talley, James Whitlock, Francis and Robert Hester, Widow and Nathaniel Anderson, William Eake, Nicholas Mills, Anthony Hughes, ...